Getting Started with Commercetools + Node JS

Sandeep Rajbhar
6 min readDec 17, 2021


Why I am writing this article?

I was exploring the Commercetools to get a basic concept by following their tutorial . The commercetools supports clients in three different languages to help you connect with the HTTP APIs i.e. JAVA client, PHP client, and Node JS client. I have found that in the tutorial most of the time they are using curl cmd to connect with the HTTP APIs or make any query (And also giving JSON structure). Since Node JS is widely used by many developers I thought to learn tutorials by using Node JS client instead of copy-pasting curl cmd. While doing this initially I found some challenges to make a query and search operation from Node JS client as it was not in the tutorial and not much available on google.

So basically this tutorial will help Node JS developers to quickly start working with Node JS clients to use Commercetools basic query and search operations.

Prerequisite :

  1. Register yourself with Commercetools and get 60 days of free access.
  2. Create an API client on the merchant center (easy step already given )
  3. First clone and import the Sunrise data and dump it into the merchant center as per this “” GitHub tutorial.
  4. Save the “env.commercetoolspoc_credentials” in some folder and later convert to .env file and put inside the project. It has all the basic information about clients and security keys. (these steps you must have already covered in step 3)
  5. Once you have set up the project create a new empty project by cmd npm init -y
  6. After this install a few imp packages as npm install @commercetools/sdk-client @commercetools/sdk-middleware-auth @commercetools/sdk-middleware-http @commercetools/api-request-builder dotenv
  7. Create a new file called project.js in this directory.

Now let's see one by one how we can use Node JS client,

Client Setup and authorization: add the following code in project.js

const { createClient } = require(‘@commercetools/sdk-client’)

const { createRequestBuilder, features } = require(‘@commercetools/api-request-builder’)

const { createAuthMiddlewareForClientCredentialsFlow } = require(‘@commercetools/sdk-middleware-auth’)

const { createHttpMiddleware } = require(‘@commercetools/sdk-middleware-http’)

const { SdkAuth } = require(‘@commercetools/sdk-auth’)

const fetch = require(‘node-fetch’)


console.log(‘Getting started with commercetools Nodejs SDK’);

const {







} = process.env;

const projectKey = CTP_PROJECT_KEY

// Create a httpMiddleware for the your project AUTH URL

const authMiddleware = createAuthMiddlewareForClientCredentialsFlow({



credentials: {

clientId: CTP_CLIENT_ID,

clientSecret: CTP_CLIENT_SECRET,


scopes: [CTP_SCOPES],



// Create a httpMiddleware for the your project API URL

const httpMiddleware = createHttpMiddleware({

host: CTP_API_URL,



// Create a client using authMiddleware and httpMiddleware

const client = createClient({

middlewares: [authMiddleware, httpMiddleware],


Get Project Information :

// Create a request builder for the project

const projectService = createRequestBuilder({ projectKey }).project;

// Create a request to get project information

const createGetProjectRequest = {


method: ‘GET’,


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createGetProjectRequest)

.then(data => {

console.log(‘Project information — ->’, data);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


//console.log(‘Got project information’);


User Information:

// user Information

const usersOptions = {


customServices: {

users: {

type: ‘users’,

endpoint: ‘/users’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne],




const requestBuilder = createRequestBuilder(usersOptions)

const uriUsers =

// Create a request to get users information

const createGetUsersRequest = {

uri : uriUsers,

method: ‘GET’,


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createGetUsersRequest)

.then(data => {

console.log(‘Users information — ->’, data);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


//console.log(‘Got project information’);


Product Information:

const productOptions = {


customServices: {

products: {

type: ‘products’,

endpoint: ‘/products’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne, features.create, features.update, features.del,],




const requestBuilderProduct = createRequestBuilder(productOptions)

const uriProduct = // product list

// Create a request to get Product information

const createGetProductRequest = {

uri: uriProduct,

method: ‘GET’,


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createGetProductRequest)

.then(data => {

//console.log(‘Product info — ->’,;

// console.log(‘Product info — ->’, data.body.results);

console.log(‘Product info — ->’, data.body.results[0]);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


console.log(‘\n …………………….\n’);


Product by ID :

/ Product Information by ID

const productOptions = {


customServices: {

products: {

type: ‘products’,

endpoint: ‘/products’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne, features.create, features.update, features.del,],




const requestBuilderProduct = createRequestBuilder(productOptions)

const uriProduct = requestBuilderProduct.products.byId(‘7fb2c082–8383–467f-b19f-8c20eae6c090’).build() // product by ID

// Create a request to get Product information

const createGetProductRequest = {

uri: uriProduct,

method: ‘GET’,


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createGetProductRequest)

.then(data => {

console.log(‘Product info — ->’, data.body);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


console.log(‘\n …………………….\n’);


Product projection search :

const productProjectionsOptions = {


customServices: {

productProjections: {

type: ‘productProjections’,

endpoint: ‘/productProjections’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne, features.projection, features.queryExpand],




const requestBuilderProductProjections = createRequestBuilder(productProjectionsOptions)

const uriProduct = requestBuilderProductProjections.productProjectionsSearch


text: {language :”en”, value:”Sandeep Rajbhar”}, // try with this value also msut see some array list“elisabetta-franchi-dress-ab8953866-silver”

fuzzy: false,

markMatchingVariants: true


.build() // Projections Search. product

// Create a request to get Product information

const createGetProductProjectionsSearchRequest = {

uri: uriProduct,

method: ‘GET’,


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createGetProductProjectionsSearchRequest)

.then(data => {

console.log(‘Product Product Projections Search info — ->’, data.body);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


console.log(‘\n …………………….\n’);


Category Information with Query feature “where” with the imperative and declarative search :

const categoryOptions = {


customServices: {

categories: {

type: ‘categories’,

endpoint: ‘/categories’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne],




const requestBuilderCat = createRequestBuilder(categoryOptions)

//const uriCat = // categories list

//const uriCat = requestBuilderCat.categories.withTotal(false).build() // categories list with no total info

// const uriCat = requestBuilderCat.categories

// .where(‘key = “c8”’)

// .perPage(1)

// .withVersion(3)

// .build() // imperative

const uriCat = requestBuilderCat.categories


where: [‘key = “c7”’],

perPage: 1,

version: 3,


.build() // declarative can be used mix also.

// Create a request to get Product information

const createGetCatRequest = {

uri: uriCat,

method: ‘GET’,


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createGetCatRequest)

.then(data => {

//console.log(‘Cat info — ->’,;

console.log(‘Cat info — ->’, data.body.results[0]);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


console.log(‘\n …………………….\n’);


Add Custom field to the customer :

const typeOptions = {


customServices: {

types: {

type: ‘types’,

endpoint: ‘/types’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne, features.create],




const requestBuilderType = createRequestBuilder(typeOptions)

const uriType = // declarative can be used mix also.

const data = {

“key”: “customer-preferredShoeSize”,

“name”: {

“en”: “Additional field to store preferred shoe size”


“resourceTypeIds”: [“customer”],

“fieldDefinitions”: [{

“type”: {

“name”: “LocalizedString”


“name”: “preferredShoeSize”,

“label”: {

“en”: “Preferred Shoe Size”


“required”: false,

“inputHint”: “SingleLine”



// Create a request to get Product information

const createTypeRequest = {

uri: uriType,

method: ‘POST’,

body: data


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createTypeRequest)

.then(data => {

//console.log(‘Product info — ->’,;

console.log(‘Type info — ->’, data);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


console.log(‘\n …………………….\n’);


Creating a Customer with the preferredShoeSize CustomField:

const customerCustomTypeOptions = {


customServices: {

customers: {

type: ‘customers’,

endpoint: ‘/customers’,

features: [features.query, features.queryOne, features.create],




const requestBuilderType = createRequestBuilder(customerCustomTypeOptions)

const uriType =;

const data = {

“customerNumber”: “1000000000”,

“email”: “”,

“firstName”: “Hari”,

“lastName”: “Om”,

“password”: “secret123”,

“custom”: {

“type”: {

“key”: “customer-preferredShoeSize”,

“typeId”: “type”


“fields”: {

“preferredShoeSize”: {

“en”: “38”





// Create a request to get Product information

const createCustomCustomerRequest = {

uri: uriType,

method: ‘POST’,

body: data


(async () => {

try {

// Use the `client.execute` method to send a message from this app

await client.execute(createCustomCustomerRequest)

.then(data => {

//console.log(‘Product info — ->’,;

console.log(‘New Custom customer info — ->’, data);

console.log(‘ \n Custom field — ->’, data.body.customer.custom);


.catch(error => {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


} catch (error) {

console.log(‘ERROR — ->’, error);


console.log(‘\n …………………….\n’);


Run “nodemon project.js” cmd to run and see the output one by one.

Thanks so much, guys!!!!



Sandeep Rajbhar
Sandeep Rajbhar

Written by Sandeep Rajbhar

Solution Architect at Royal Cyber.

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